I did three things today Miss you
I did three things today: Miss you, Miss you, And Miss You.
I did three things today: Miss you, Miss you, And Miss You.
I miss you more than the sun misses the sky at night.
Sometimes, Only one person is missing, and the whole world seems depopulated.
True love will not need a happy end. because true love never ends. I Miss You!
I pretend to ignore you, But I really just miss you.
Missing you i realized How Much i need you. I Love You, You're my World!
ना हाथ मिलाएँगे ना गले मिलेंगे इस शहर के मिज़ाज का हम पालन करेंगे हम तो वो शख़्सियत हैं हुज़ूर...
“Missing someone and not being able to see them is the worst feeling ever.”