Latest Quotes & Thought, Best Status About Life

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Plenty of emotions and stories are hidden behind happy tears.

[sc name=”share” id=”130899″ text=”Plenty of emotions and stories are hidden behind happy tears.”]

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Everyone in this world going through their own struggles. So don’t judge people if you don’t know their story..

[sc name=”share” id=”130900″ text=”Everyone in this world going through their own struggles. So don’t judge people if you don’t know their story..”]

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Life will never be easy, it will always be hard. But we can choose our hand. Pick wisely…

[sc name=”share” id=”130901″ text=”Life will never be easy, it will always be hard. But we can choose our hand. Pick wisely…”]

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I am 100% confident that my mother’s prayer has saved me more times than i can imagine…

[sc name=”share” id=”130902″ text=”I am 100% confident that my mother’s prayer has saved me more times than i can imagine…”]

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When you are looking at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.

[sc name=”share” id=”130903″ text=”When you are looking at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.”]

Latest Quotes & Thought, Best Status About Life

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Instead of complaining about your circumstances, get busy and create some new ones.

[sc name=”share” id=”123155″ text=”Instead of complaining about your circumstances, get busy and create some new ones.”]

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“Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated”

[sc name=”share” id=”123158″ text=”Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated”]

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Never forget,
Live for today,
not yesterday,
you can not change what happened a second ago,
so why dwell on the past..
The future is yours to make….

[sc name=”share” id=”123253″ text=”Forgive, Never forget, Live for today, not yesterday, you can not change what happened a second ago, so why dwell on the past.. The future is yours to make….”]

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The difference between being anonymous and being fake is similar to between hiding the truth and telling a lie…!!

[sc name=”share” id=”123259″ text=”The difference between being anonymous and being fake is similar to between hiding the truth and telling a lie…!!”]

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Start building your dream now..!
because if you don’t..
Somebody will hire you
to build theirs..

[sc name=”share” id=”123265″ text=”Start building your dream now..! because if you don’t.. Somebody will hire you to build theirs..”]

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Today may not be
full of great pleasures ,
but it can be full of little ones.
You only need to
open your eyes and
look around.

[sc name=”share” id=”123268″ text=”Today may not be full of great pleasures , but it can be full of little ones. You only need to open your eyes and look around.”]

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“Anxiety is the space between the ‘now’ and the ‘then.’.” :

[sc name=”share” id=”123271″ text=”Anxiety is the space between the now and the then”]

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“No matter how busy you may THINK you are, you MUST find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance.”

[sc name=”share” id=”123274″ text=”No matter how busy you may THINK you are, you MUST find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance.”]

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“Blessed is the person who understands that the reason for praying is not to have all he wants… but to thank God for all he has been given.”

[sc name=”share” id=”123277″ text=”Blessed is the person who understands that the reason for praying is not to have all he wants… but to thank God for all he has been given.”]

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Amazingly true-

Being alone usually looks sad to people…
But, Being alone is better than to have somebody, Who makes U Feel Alone…

[sc name=”share” id=”123280″ text=”Amazingly true- Being alone usually looks sad to people… But, Being alone is better than to have somebody, Who makes U Feel Alone…”]

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Money, Attitude & Ego, are Like Underwear,
you Should Have It But,
Should Not Show It.
Unless you Become A Superman.

[sc name=”share” id=”123283″ text=”Money, Attitude & Ego, are Like Underwear, you Should Have It But, Should Not Show It. Unless you Become A Superman.”]

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REMEMBER: Don’t TRUST too much. Don’t LOVE too much. Don’t HOPE too much. Because that too much can hurt you so much.

[sc name=”share” id=”123367″ text=”REMEMBER: Don’t TRUST too much. Don’t LOVE too much. Don’t HOPE too much. Because that too much can hurt you so much.”]

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I’m not shy. I just don’t like to talk when I have nothing meaningful to say.

[sc name=”share” id=”123431″ text=”I’m not shy. I just don’t like to talk when I have nothing meaningful to say.”]

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“There are no problems we cannot solve together, and very few that we can solve by ourselves.”

[sc name=”share” id=”123434″ text=”There are no problems we cannot solve together, and very few that we can solve by ourselves.”]

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Somewhere between reality and fantasy…there lies DESTINY!!!

[sc name=”share” id=”123437″ text=”Somewhere between reality and fantasy…there lies DESTINY!!!”]

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The most important things in life aren’t things.

[sc name=”share” id=”123440″ text=”The most important things in life aren’t things.”]

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Perfection is achieved not when
there is nothing more to add.
But when
there is nothing left to take away.

[sc name=”share” id=”123443″ text=”Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add. But when there is nothing left to take away.”]

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Right Saying by a wrong person:;->
“Listen To MY Advice Not B’coz I’AM Always RIGHT But B’coz I Have More Experience Of Being WRONG…”:-)

[sc name=”share” id=”123446″ text=”Right Saying by a wrong person:;-> Listen To MY Advice Not B’coz I’AM Always RIGHT But B’coz I Have More Experience Of Being WRONG…-)”]

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“The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings.”

[sc name=”share” id=”123449″ text=”The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings.”]


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I don’t know how people can fake a whole relationship….i can’t even fake a ‘hello’ to someone
i don’t like…

[sc name=”share” id=”122981″ text=”I don’t know how people can fake a whole relationship….i can’t even fake a ‘hello’ to someone i don’t like…”]

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Crushes are great until you realize that they’ll never
be interested in you!!

[sc name=”share” id=”122984″ text=”Crushes are great until you realize that they’ll never be interested in you!!”]

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Memories play a
very confusing ROLE.
They make you laugh
when you remember the time
you cried ,
But they make you cry
when you remember the time
you laughed together!!

[sc name=”share” id=”123113″ text=”Memories play a very confusing ROLE. They make you laugh when you remember the time you cried, But they make you cry when you remember the time you laughed together!!”]

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When someone brings you down ,you don’t go down you stay up.
Because you have enough FAITH in you to keep you up.

[sc name=”share” id=”123116″ text=”When someone brings you down ,you don’t go down you stay up. Because you have enough FAITH in you to keep you up.”]


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Failure Will Never Overtake Me If My Determination To Succeed Is Strong Enough.

[sc name=”share” id=”1″ text=”Failure Will Never Overtake Me If My Determination To Succeed Is Strong Enough.”]

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We May Encounter Many Defeats But We Must Not Be Defeated.

[sc name=”share” id=”2″ text=”We May Encounter Many Defeats But We Must Not Be Defeated.”]

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Don’t Let Yesterday Take Up Too Much Of Today.

[sc name=”share” id=”3″ text=”Don’t Let Yesterday Take Up Too Much Of Today.”]

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Whenever hiccups come now,
I drink Wine
Now he has given up that thought too
That someone remembers me too…

[sc name=”share” id=”4″ text=”Whenever hiccups come now, I drink Wine Now he has given up that thought too That someone remembers me too…”]

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Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength.

[sc name=”share” id=”5″ text=”Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength. “]

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If you want to achieve greatness then stop taking permission from everyone.

[sc name=”share” id=”6″ text=”If you want to achieve greatness then stop taking permission from everyone.”]

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What is life without a little Risk?

[sc name=”share” id=”7″ text=”What is life without a little Risk?”]

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choose me or lose me. I’m not a backup plan and definitely not
a second choice.

[sc name=”share” id=”8″ text=”choose me or lose me. I’m not a backup plan and definitely not a second choice.”]

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How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment
before startling to improve the world.

[sc name=”share” id=”9″ text=”How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before startling to improve the world.”]

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If there were no bad people, there would be no good lawyers.

[sc name=”share” id=”10″ text=”If there were no bad people, there would be no good lawyers.”]

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There is some power inside each one, which is not in anyone in this whole world, just you have to know that power.

[sc name=”share” id=”11″ text=”There is some power inside each one, which is not in anyone in this whole world, just you have to know that power. “]

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Creativity is contagious, pass it on.

[sc name=”share” id=”12″ text=”Creativity is contagious, pass it on.”]

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Make your heart the most beautiful thing about you.

[sc name=”share” id=”13″ text=”Make your heart the most beautiful thing about you.”]

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Wisely, and slow. They stumble that run fast.

[sc name=”share” id=”14″ text=”Wisely, and slow. They stumble that run fast.”]

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[sc name=”share” id=”15″ text=”PERSONALITY BEGINS WHERE COMPARISON ENDS.”]

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The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.

[sc name=”share” id=”16″ text=”The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.”]

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The Heart of the father is the masterpiece of nature.

[sc name=”share” id=”17″ text=”The Heart of the father is the masterpiece of nature.”]

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A clear rejection is always better than a fake promise.

[sc name=”share” id=”18″ text=”A clear rejection is always better than a fake promise.”]

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Nothing hurts more than being disappointed by the person you thought would never hurt you.

[sc name=”share” id=”19″ text=”Nothing hurts more than being disappointed by the person you thought would never hurt you.”]

Never assume someone likes you by their sweetness. Sometimes, you’re just an option when they are bored.

[sc name=”share” id=”20″ text=”Never assume someone likes you by their sweetness. Sometimes, you’re just an option when they are bored.”]

There’s no better response to an ex who randomly texts you long after the breakup than Who is this?

[sc name=”share” id=”21″ text=”There’s no better response to an ex who randomly texts you long after the breakup than Who is this?”]

Do you ever just want to pack up and leave out of the blue without saying anything to anyone like just leave and start a new life?

[sc name=”share” id=”22″ text=”Do you ever just want to pack up and leave out of the blue without saying anything to anyone like just leave and start a new life?”]

You hate me, but you don’t know me, how cute.

[sc name=”share” id=”23″ text=”You hate me, but you don’t know me, how cute.”]

Beauty gets the attention, personality gets the heart.

[sc name=”share” id=”24″ text=”Beauty gets the attention, personality gets the heart.”]

Its better to wait for years for that someone you are sure of.. than to grab that chance with someone who picks you and drops you anytime..

[sc name=”share” id=”25″ text=”Its better to wait for years for that someone you are sure of.. than to grab that chance with someone who picks you and drops you anytime..”]

Nothing is perfect, but when I am with you everything is perfect.

[sc name=”share” id=”26″ text=”Nothing is perfect, but when I am with you everything is perfect.”]

In search of a perfect person, dont lose a true one because perfection is fantasy while truth is a reality.

[sc name=”share” id=”27″ text=”In search of a perfect person, dont lose a true one because perfection is fantasy while truth is a reality.”]

Be patient. The lessons you learn today will benefit you tomorrow.

[sc name=”share” id=”28″ text=”Be patient. The lessons you learn today will benefit you tomorrow.”]

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People who are not happy with themselves, can not possibly be happy with you.

[sc name=”share” id=”29″ text=”People who are not happy with themselves, can not possibly be happy with you.”]

Time is the most elastic element in the world. It increases minutes when we are waiting and decreases hours when we are enjoying.

[sc name=”share” id=”30″ text=”Time is the most elastic element in the world. It increases minutes when we are waiting and decreases hours when we are enjoying.”]

The only way to accept an insult is to ignore it. If you can’t ignore it , top it. If you can’t top it , laugh at it. If you can’t laugh at it , you probably deserved it.

[sc name=”share” id=”31″ text=”The only way to accept an insult is to ignore it. If you can’t ignore it , top it. If you can’t top it , laugh at it. If you can’t laugh at it , you probably deserved it.”]

Life is really nothng without “love” Give everyone your love… But dont expect it back.. Because, “its not a deal, its a feel”

[sc name=”share” id=”32″ text=”Life is really nothng without love Give everyone your love… But dont expect it back.. Because, its not a deal, its a feel”]

Forgive others, if you want to be forgiven in your critical times.

[sc name=”share” id=”33″ text=”Forgive others, if you want to be forgiven in your critical times.”]

I may not be good for someone but Ill be the best for those who deserve me.

[sc name=”share” id=”34″ text=”I may not be good for someone but Ill be the best for those who deserve me.”]

Live your everyday of life like its the last day of your life.

[sc name=”share” id=”35″ text=”Live your everyday of life like its the last day of your life.”]

See Also: Best English Love Quotes

I think its cute when you know that someone is making an effort to make you smile.

[sc name=”share” id=”36″ text=”I think its cute when you know that someone is making an effort to make you smile.”]