Why boys are special…..?

Why boys are special…..?

The way they hug u when u cry

The way they keep looking u nd when u ask why are they looking they say ”kyun ab dekh bhi nai sakte?”

They way they put their heads in ur laps or shoulders when they are sad

The way they say I love you nd miss u nd want d moment to just pause

The way they try to convince u when u get angry doing silly things

The way they take off ur hariband nd say ”baal khulle rehne do”

The way they say “aaj badi sundar lag rhi hai”after speaking hours with u

The way they want ur 100./. attention nd when ur enable to talk nd they get angry nd say”ok fine be busy forever”

Boys are worth loving u just need tat once guy to prove not all boys are bad nd cheaters

They are loyal for their princes. 🙂