Best Vivek Bindra Motivational Quotes, Inspirational Lines

Best Vivek Bindra Motivational Quotes, Vivek Bindra Inspirational Lines

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“You can’t convince people by convincing, You convince people by
connecting!” — Vivek Bindra

[sc name=”share” id=”112436″ text=”You can’t convince people by convincing, You convince people by connecting! — Vivek Bindra”]

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When you give more than you get. then you will get more than what you Gave.

[sc name=”share” id=”102207″ text=”When you give more than you get. then you will get more than what you Gave.”]

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Success is not a destination, Its a journey that Never stop at one place.

[sc name=”share” id=”102206″ text=”Success is not a destination, Its a journey that Never stop at one place.”]

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Pearls don’t lie on the seashore, If you want one then you must dive for it!

[sc name=”share” id=”102205″ text=”Pearls don’t lie on the seashore, If you want one then you must dive for it!”]

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Tough times tell you that, You are tougher than the tough times.

[sc name=”share” id=”102204″ text=”Tough times tell you that, You are tougher than the tough times.”]


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Success may come to First movers, But stays with the Fast movers.

[sc name=”share” id=”102203″ text=”Success may come to First movers, But stays with the Fast movers.”]

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Vivek Bindra Inspirational Lines

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Choose your success by choosing your thoughts!

[sc name=”share” id=”102195″ text=”Choose your success by choosing your thoughts!”]