Quit India Movement Day
The Quit India Movement is also known as August Kranti or August Movement. On 8 August 1942, the Bharat Chhodo Andolan or Quit India movement was launched by Mahatma Gandhi and gave a call ‘do or die’.
Quit India Day
Quit India Day is a proud occasion for us. It was on 8th August 1942 that India demanded complete freedom from the British rule
Ours is not a drive for power, but purely a non-violent fight for India’s independence
A non-violent soldier of freedom will covet nothing for himself, he fights only for the freedom of his country
India Quit Movement Day
On Quit India Day, let us remember the sacrifices made by our leaders for the sake of independence
Quit India Day makes me feel proud to be a part of the nation that never surrendered to the oppression of the colonial rule
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Quit India Day has huge historical significance for India. It reminds us of the great mass movement organized under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi
On Quit India Day, let us pay our respect and tribute to all those who fought against the British for gaining independence from the colonial rule.
On this Quit India Day let us learn to respect the hard-earned freedom of our country
No other day makes me feel more patriotic than Quit India Day
Quit India Movement- the most powerful and popular mass movement with Gandhi’s mantra of Do or Die which inspire every Indian.
Our is not a drive for power. But purely, a non-violent fight for India’s independence.
Let every Indian consider themselves to be free.
It is a terrible job to have to offer resistance to a Viceroy with whom I enjoy such relations. – Mahatma Gandhi
Let me tell you that I do not regard England or for that matter America as free countries. – Mahatma Gandhi
Think what difference it would make if India was to participate as a free ally. – Mahatma Gandhi